
Astrid Oosenbrug

Astrid Oosenbrug started as sysadmin 20+ years ago, but has mostly been politically active since, as Member of Parliament (2012-2017), Public Affairs officer and in numerous NGO's. She was critical of the invasion of privacy by new investigative legislation and has championed the introduction of Responsible Disclosure Policy within the Dutch government, she is co-founder and chair of (Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure) and co-founder, where she is foster parent to many young hackers.

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Scanning and reporting vulnerabilities for the whole IPv4 space. How the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure scales up Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
Chris van 't Hof, Astrid Oosenbrug, Frank Breedijk, Lennaert Oudshoorn

The Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure scans the internet for vulnerabilities and reports these to the people who can fix them. Our researchers will go into some of our recent cases, our board members will describe how we professionalise vulnerability disclosure and why we are allowed to somewhat break laws on computer crime and privacy.

MCH2022 Curated content
Abacus 🧮