
Make fun graphs with your whatsapp chats

  • 2022-07-23, 14:00–16:00, Family Zone 👪
  • 2022-07-26, 11:00–13:00, DNA 🧬

Using Splunk to analyze your Whatsapp chat data. Find out who was sending the most messages, who was chatting in the middle of the night, or how many chats you will recieve in the future.

In this workshop we will make fun graphs using your own whatsapp data from one chat. We will start with extracting your whatsapp data en import it into the provided Splunk server.

In this workshop we will make fun graphs using your own whatsapp data from one chat.
We will start with extracting your whatsapp data en import it into our tools.
Find out who was sending the most messages, who was chatting in the middle of the night, or how many chats you will recieve in the future.

We will provide the needed Splunkenvironment, you will bring your laptop with ability to connect to the internet, and your phone with Whatsapp. (If you do not have whatsapp we provide a dummy chat)

You will be the only one seeing and using your whatsapp data, but still don't use the chat with your darkest secrets ;^)

Richard has more then 20 years experience in the IT security. He was in the sideline of many hacks that hit the Dutch media the past years. He is mostly in the bleuteam, but knows his way around in the red.